The Sunday Soother

110: Moving into partnership with your emotions, your thoughts, and your nervous system

Hi Soothers! Inspired by a woman who did a discovery call for Soothe who asked me, "Where do you want to see the women in this group in a year?" (thanks Sarah!) I answered: "In partnership and allyship with their thoughts, emotions and nervous system, instead of in denial or shame about them, or at the mercy of them."

So that is the topic of today's episode! I discuss what it means to be in true equal partnership with these areas of ourselves, instead of in denial (repressing or blaming ourselves for our nature) or at the mercy of (victimized and reactive to these parts of ourselves).

Stewardship and partnership in these areas will be a cornerstone of my upcoming mastermind for sensitive women, Soothe. You can read all about Soothe here, and book a discovery call about it here. Enrollment closes in the third week of August and we kick off in September!

The Sunday Soother is a spin-off of The Sunday Soother, a weekly newsletter that creates conversations around compassionate personal development and helps readers access their spirituality and mindfulness in practical, actionable ways.

You can find Catherine @candrews on Twitter and Instagram @catherineandrews