The Sunday Soother

105: Do you feel "stuck" as a sensitive woman? Here's why

June 13, 2021

In today's episode, I share audio from my weekly IGTV coaching series, Free Coaching Friday. I discuss the concept of "stuckness" that sensitive women suffer from and why this happened to you (spoiler alert, it has nothing to do WITH you or your "brokenness"!).

Stay tuned for future episodes where I'll be giving a deep dive into the curriculum of Soothe, my mastermind for sensitive women. Soothe opens for enrollment on July 1 to the public.

The Sunday Soother is a spin-off of The Sunday Soother, a weekly newsletter that creates conversations around compassionate personal development and helps readers access their spirituality and mindfulness in practical, actionable ways.

You can find Catherine @candrews on Twitter and Instagram @catherineandrews