The Sunday Soother

103: The gray fog: what it is, and how sensitive women get stuck there

In today's episode, I give you a little catch-up on my life, how I'm navigating post-vaccine life acceleration (poorly!) and I tell about a little concept I call "the gray fog:" the state of murky fear and disconnection that sensitive women can end up in, simultaneously feeling like "I have a good life, I should feel more grateful," "And how the hell did I end up here and what can I do about it?"

Stay tuned next week where I will detail the 3 ways in which sensitive women end up in the gray fog, and give you more information about Soothe, my year-long mastermind for sensitive women.

Soothe opens for enrollment on July 1 to the public.

The Sunday Soother is a spin-off the popular newsletter, The Sunday Soother, a weekly newsletter that creates conversations around compassionate personal development and helps readers access their spirituality and mindfulness in practical, actionable ways.

You can find Catherine @candrews on Twitter and Instagram @catherineandrews