The Sunday Soother

231: Why highly sensitive people might want to microdose, with Kayse Gehret of Microdosing for Healing

Catherine Andrews

Hey Soothers! Today I'm so excited to have on Kayse Gehret of Microdosing for Healing. Kayse Gehret is a nature-based healing artist, author, founder and podcast host.  With nearly three decades of experience in the healing arts, Kayse leads Microdosing for Healing - a nationwide virtual community around earth medicine practice - as well as the Best Practices Mastermind for Healers - a global collective of diverse healing artists & health professionals brought together for learning, strategy, growth, collaboration and visioning new healing models for the future.

I connected with Kayse over the summer when I took one of her programs. Today we dive into all things microdosing, from our how personal journeys using earth medicine both started, WTF actually IS microdosing, how microdosing in Kayse's experience has helped her clients with nervous system dysregulation, hormonal and menstrual issues, and feminine energy, and lots more.

I'll be incorporating microdosing medicine into Soothe, and Kayse is a big reason why — she taught me how plant and earth medicine helps heal us and helps us grow at a different level than cognitive and intellectual understanding can do. 

Read about Soothe, the year-long circle and group mentorship for highly sensitive women, and book a discovery call:

If you book your discovery call by Oct. 31, you'll get a $1500 earlybird discount off Soothe.

The Sunday Soother podcast is a spin-off of The Sunday Soother, a weekly newsletter that creates conversations around compassionate personal development and helps readers access their spirituality, magic and mindfulness in practical, actionable ways.

You can find Catherine @candrews on Twitter and Instagram @catherineandrews, and her coaching website is