The Sunday Soother
Welcome to a podcast all about authentic living, compassionate, personal development, and practical spirituality, geared towards the highly sensitive person. Catherine Andrews, the author of the popular Sunday Soother newsletter, discusses topics like self-worth, boundaries, emotional intelligence, ritual, spiritual and energy work done accessibly, and more. If you're interested in knowing yourself more deeply, living your life more magically, and growing as a person with space for wisdom and compassion along the way, this is for you. The podcast comes out every Sunday morning.
The Sunday Soother
195: The universe loves a creative b*tch
Hey there, Soothers. Today I go on a bit of a rant about something I see that can really frustrate me in empaths and highly sensitive people: when we go into passive, roll-over, woe-is-me, "I can't do X because of Y" mode, or "I can't do X until I have Y" mode (especially around money). This type of thinking is so limiting to achieving our dreams and living our fulfilment, and I don't want that for you!
So, what to do? I talk about why it's so important to get creative in these moments as a way of regaining our personal power, and why the universe loves a creative b*tch (and why deploying my creativity and creative problem-solving in moments where I really did want to roll over and go into passive victim mode is a huge cornerstone of my success). It's pretty simple: the universe wants to play with someone, with a creative powerhouse to manifest its ideas, and guess what: because you are a highly sensitive person, you are incredibly creative and have a wildly powerful brain that's primed for problem-solving, if only you begin to view yourself that way.
Lots of links mentioned in today's episode:
- Home Magic for Self-Love workshop tix
- Book a discovery call for 1:1 coaching
- Enroll in Practical Spirituality (and you get 10% off if you purchase the Home Magic workshop first!)
- Get on the waitlist to be the first to know about the Sunday Soother membership and get an exclusive founding members discount!
- Meg Brackett's Launch Your Website Before Mercury in Retrograde program
The Sunday Soother podcast is a spin-off of The Sunday Soother, a weekly newsletter that creates conversations around compassionate personal development and helps readers access their spirituality, magic and mindfulness in practical, actionable ways.
You can find Catherine @candrews on Twitter and Instagram @catherineandrews, and her coaching website is catherinedandrews.com.